Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Creepy Doll/Bird

Hi everyone!

Halloween is just two weeks away now and so I thought I would get a bit creative and try out a costume makeup look instead of my usual serious tutorials! I was originally planning to do just a creepy doll look but once I did all the eye makeup, I thought it really looked like a bird! So you could probably use this tutorial to create either look. Hope you enjoy! 

Conceal away any blemishes you may have. As a doll has usually got perfect skin, you want to recreate this look. I am using my Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk foundation because I love how flawless it makes my skin look - perfect for looking like a doll!

Rub away any concealer and foundation around your lash lines. This will make your eyes look red and sore. Creepy! 

I also skipped the step of setting the foundation with powder because I loved how pale and creepy my skin looked with just the foundation on.

Dolls have very pink cheeks. I couldn't find my blusher that is a very bright pink colour, so I just built up a dramatic colour on my cheeks with my Bobbi Brown blush with my Real Techniques blusher brush. 

Next up is the eyebrows. I used an eyeliner pencil for this and then went over the pencil with the two darkest colours from the Naked Basics palette (Faint and Crave). I tried to make my eyebrows have a semi-circle curve to them because I think that always looks the spookiest on dolls.

From my Sleek 'Oh So Special' palette I used the top right hand shimmery plum colour to roughly cover the tops of my eyelids. I didn't do this very neatly at all because halloween isn't about looking pretty! I then ran the dark green colour from my Sleek 'Storm' palette across my bottom lash line to contrast the purple.

Using my Master Precise eyeliner from Maybelline, I drew to inverted flicks down the sides of my nose and two 'normal' cat eyes. This was the part where I thought the makeup started to look a lot like a crow. If you want to carry on using this look to dress up like a bird, I would suggest getting some costume feather eyelashes to complete the look.

Next, I cancelled out my lips by covering them in foundation and then used my Rimmel 128 lipstick called 'Starry Eyed' to draw on doll-like betty boop lips. I used a general lipliner stick I had laying around to get the shape of the lips precise. I then outlined the red lipstick with black eyeshadow to make sure the lips looked like a cartoon. Therefore they looked more like a doll and not like real human lips.

I then crimped my hair with my heat crimpers and took these creepy pictures! 

Please let me know if you like this look and if you want me to do a few more tutorials before halloween comes around! 

:) xxx
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